As an overseas shipping operator, we have worked to solve environmental problems based on the Inui Global Logistics Safety Management Manual, recognizing that solving problems such as marine and air pollution and reducing carbon dioxide and other gas emissions, is an important task. Based on this policy, we acquired ISO14001 certification on June 26, 2006. ISO14001 is an international environmental management standard.
Acquiring ISO14001 certification will help us become a company that is trusted globally in recognizing needs for safe environmental management and safety management. Focusing on environmental management, we are continuing our work to help preserve the global environment.
We, Inui Global Logistics Co., Ltd., as an international cargo carrier company, will declare the respects below as the Environmental Policy in order to contribute to the development of society while preserving the global environment.
We will realize the significance of marine pollution caused by marine casualty and attempt to preserve the environment and prevent environmental pollution.
We will comply with the international treaties, regulations, rules and other standards established voluntarily regarding the environment accurately.
We will realize how seriously our activities influence the environment, and will improve the Environmental Management System continuously and attempt to raise the environmental performance for the sake of solving the environmental issues including global warming.
In order to ensure the achievement of the Environmental Policy and Target, we will implement periodical review of the Environmental Management System including the Environmental Policy.
We will attempt to implement Environmental education and training towards all staffs in order to conform to the Environmental Management System.
Environmental Policy, Environment preserving activities shall be informed widely to the company staffs, interested parties and general public, and they will be disclosed by our company websites.
We manage the Inui Maritime Seminar in Manila, Philippines, a facility for training our marine personnel.
The facility includes classes on the importance of and procedures in environmental preservation designed to raise the awareness of marine personnel regarding environmental preservation and to enhance expertise.
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