In Tokyo metropolitan district, we provide warehousing services to accommodate cargo within Japan and export/import to overseas, lease distribution facilities and delivery service. We conduct warehousing business to address various distribution requirements for customers. Continuous improvement maintains and enhances the distribution quality for customers.
We provide proposals for distribution efficiency to meet customers' needs such as shared distribution.
Our warehousing management system (WMS) provides synchronous information about the warehousing database and actual stored products. The system constantly enables stock visibility and assists optimum procurement.
Utilizing quality control with ISO9001and distributive processing knowhow acquired through our business over many years, we provide suggestions about distributive processing to suit the characteristics of the individual cargo.
[ Example of services ]
Highly attentive delivery service is available in the Tokyo metropolitan area by our vehicles and associated partner companies.
We provide the wide range of services from sea/air transportation through customs clearance to inland distribution.
Furthermore, by utilizing the own warehouses and global shipping services, we offer suitable solutions.
Dedicated document warehouse keeps your document under excellent security facilities.
CabiNet System gains favorable reviews. The system enables easy collection and delivery of the stored document on the website.
We support all processes including initial planning to accept your important documents or to dispose of them in a secure manner.
We are able to provide a service for collection, delivery and storage from just one box to a very large amount.
Under infallible management system to protect in an event like fire or crime, we store your documents safely.
Under constant temperature and humidity control by air-conditioner in the facility, your important media (CD, DVD, VTR and DAT) are protected from deterioration.
What you have to do is only to drop a document into a security box installed in your company. Confidentiality of information can be securely maintained through consistent processes from collection to shredding and disposal of the confidential documents.
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